We are THREE!!!

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I want to tell PFD Happy

Submitted by shell on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 18:01.

I want to tell PFD Happy Birthday! And wish you many more to come. I have to say I have been in the PSP community since before it was popular to buy tubes and what not for tag making. I maybe was pulled kicking and screaming into paid tubes and I have to say its been my pleasure to get to know the artists and purchase their work. I have been at serveral different licensing company's ..... Some good and some not so good.. And I have to say PFD is totally AWESOME!! Alena goes out of her way to help any customer no matter what! She rocks and so does PFD! I did a request for her to give me a year membership at one time for the Monthly Exclusive Club as I like to pay for my stuff by the year, and did that deter her, nope she helped me work it all out and I was a total PFD supporter after that! Anyone that goes out of their way to give me such great customer service will ALWAYS have my support! Plus all the artists at PFD are so awesome as well as all the scrapkit designers! So happy birthday and I wish you many many more so you will be with me for many more years to come!!

**Hugs Shelley Wright**


Submitted by karenality on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 17:35.

HAPPY HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY PFD!!! I love you guys!!!
You have really grown!!!
And I'm enjoying all of the tubes and tube artists!!

♥ Happy 3rd Birthday PFD ♥ I

Submitted by hapjes on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 17:00.

♥ Happy 3rd Birthday PFD ♥

I Wish you many, many years more!!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday PFD ♥ Wish

Submitted by al3x-DS on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 14:46.

Happy 3rd Birthday PFD ♥ Wish many, many more!!!!
I love everything about this store and back when I started tagging this was the first one where I placed my very 1st order :D The only thing I would love to see changed in here is option to bye goodies for myself and friends with the same order and then write who will get what :) or even to bye few of the same tubes that will stay on my account that I'll be able to gift later. That's it :)))
Enjoy your day PFD!!!

Back in 2011, when I first

Submitted by Magik on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 13:00.

Back in 2011, when I first started to make tags, PFD was one of the first stores I started buying from. I have always been happy with the store & have never had any problems with any of my purchases.

In the past couple years, I have seen PFD grow bigger & better day by day/ month by month. The monthly gifts to loyal customers may seem 'little', but in reality, they are a huge gift to us & it really shows how much this store cares about its customers.

All of the artists & everyone who keeps this store alive are outstanding. I think this is the only store where I feel that everyone in the store is truly involved with the customers & truly cares for everyone- artists, designers & taggers alike.

Congratulations & thank you for 3 amazing years of service. I can only hope for more amazing years to follow. Keep up the great work & doing what you're all doing. You all are doing fantastic! =)

Well.... Where do I start

Submitted by bitsnbobs on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 11:55.

Well.... Where do I start ?

Firstly I am a complete tube addict and that is how I came across PFD and I am so glad I did.
So many artists to choose from and amazing ones at that.
Secondly as a forum owner we became affiliated with PFD as our sponsor for competitions. So easy and with regular prizes our members love it and so do we.
Thirdly I became an artist for PFD with my tubes and kits.
I have to say they are the best tube company around especially in terms of the way we are paid. We can see every single time we make a sale and are in charge of withdrawing our own money which in this day and age of tube companies closing with no notice and artists losing money for me is an absolute must.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PFD and I hope you have many many more.
It is an absolute pleasure designing for you.

Also I HUGE thank you to Julia who has always answered my enquiries with infinite patience and politeness.

To all the tube artists thank you for feeding my addiction LOL

Keep up the great work everyone xx

Happy Birthday PFD

Submitted by lazyfox12 on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 11:17.

Happy Birthday PFD

Several tubes of the same,

Submitted by Cookie on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 10:40.

Several tubes of the same, purchased at once, option available.
For example, 10 Caroline by Eugene Rzhevskii to gift :-)
I am admin of two groups and would love to gift my members
all at once.
PFD, you have been and are my favorite store. Anytime I see
a chance to support and or advertise your wonderful store I do.
Thank you for everything you offer us. Your TOU is awesome,
no other store comes close.
Happy Birthday PICS FOR DESIGN, Much thanks and appreciation
to Eugene Rzhevskii for such an amazing concept, put into realization.
PFD is a taggers dream come true :-)

I couldn't have said it

Submitted by Celesta on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 06:58.

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!! Happy Birthday PFD!!!!! Thanks Bunches!!!!!

I want to say thanks to PFD

Submitted by Soapchick on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 05:46.

I want to say thanks to PFD for all the pleasure and enjoyment you've given me in these three years. I love everything about this site. I am nearing 1000 images purchased and that in itself should be proof positive how much I love your amazing products. Please don't change a thing. We fans will always support you because you have supported us so well.

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