We are THREE!!!

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Happy Birthday Just love the

Submitted by radicalred1315 on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 00:23.

Happy Birthday
Just love the tube Eugene
thanks so much!

I want to tell PFD Happy

Submitted by shell on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 00:01.

I want to tell PFD Happy Birthday! and wish you many more to come.

I have to say I have been in the PSP community since before it was popular to buy tubes and what not for tag making. I maybe was pulled kicking and screaming into paid tubes and I have to say its been my pleasure to get to know the artists and purchase their work.

I have been at serveral different licensing company's ..... some good and some not so good.. and I have to say PFD is totally AWESOME!!

Alena goes out of her way to help any customer no matter what! She rocks and so does PFD! I did a request for her to give me a year membership at one time for the Monthly Exclusive Club as I like to pay for my stuff by the year, and did that deter her, nope she helped me work it all out and I was a total PFD supporter after that!

Anyone that goes out of their way to give me such great customer service will ALWAYS have my support! Plus all the artists at PFD are so awesome as well as all the scrapkit designers! So happy birthday and I wish you many many more so you will be with me for many more years to come!!

**Hugs Shelley Wright**

Hola, me parecen una tienda

Submitted by jessica on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 00:00.

Hola, me parecen una tienda estupenda, lo que mas me gusta es su sistema de prepagos, son unos proyectos siempre increibles, gracias por todo.Felicidades por sus tres años♥ ♥

You are all awesome and I

Submitted by mellowbelladeb on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:55.

You are all awesome and I thank you all for being here for us.
Congratulations pics for Design! Happy Birthday!

Happy 3the birthday PFD

Submitted by Roelanda on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:40.

Happy 3the birthday PFD !!
you guys rock the tue world xx

Happy Birthday! I have found

Submitted by Norma on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:05.

Happy Birthday! I have found that PFD has the nicest tubes and kits, and you are the best at customer service. Also, the easiest for purchasing gifts, and checkout. Thank you for everything you do, and hope you will be around for many birthdays to come. Blessings, Norma

Happy B-Day PFD!

Submitted by Synful on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:04.

Happy B-Day PFD! Congratulations! I actually had a really long post stating ALL the things I loved about PFD, but believe it or not, I'm considered SPAM!!!! ::Sniff Sniff::


Submitted by Synful on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 06:45.

CONGRATULATIONS! My favorite number is actually 3 because my birthday is January 3! hahahahaha

In regards to PFD and my experiences....What can I say? This has been the BEST store to shop at! I was a bit leery because of all the store issues that had happened in the past, but I have been pleasantly surprised there haven't been ANY issues with PFD!

Here is a list of all the things I LOVE about PFD and I'm sure there are some that I will forget because I'm doing this while at work, but here it goes!

• All purchased item downloads are ALWAYS available.

• Doesn't matter if an artist has left PFD, my purchased tubes & freebies are STILL available for download - this came in handy a couple of months ago when my hard drive died and left me tubeless! This was the ONLY store I didn't have to worry about. KUDOS PFD!

• No time frame in which I have to download purchased items and no max number of times a tube can be downloaded.

• Quick response time when questions are submitted and personnel are very nice and helpful!

• I can pick my OWN license number and I can have more than one!

• Beautiful tubes to choose from.

• A lot of previews of the different layers for each tube.

• Overall, most tubes have tons of layers and ALL of us taggers just LOVE layers!!

• The tubes are reasonably priced for as many layers as most of them come with.

• Quick and easy purchasing system.

• Immediate download availability once purchase has been made.

• Available wish list.

• The wish list removes the item once it has been moved to the shopping cart!

• A shopping cart that keeps your items in there even after logging out.

• Ability to make requests for prepaid tubes and then give our thoughts. Thank you ARTISTS for always listening to us greedy taggers when making prepaids. You guys ROCK!

• The ability to EARN free tubes by doing "quests".

• The fact that for $10.95/mo I can get my choice of exclusive tubes and right now I have over 30 credits saved up.

• The ease of giving "gifts" to others.

• Availability of other products such as scrap kits and wallpapers.

• Every month a free tube is received if you've purchased in the previous month.

• Contests

• The store isn't CLUTTERED with ads. I HATE ads. A lot of other stores have ads and they confuse me and somehow or other, I end up clicking something I'm not supposed to and it takes me away from that store. But, NOT PicsForDesign!

• PFD actually WANTS feedback and LISTENS to the customers. This ROCKS! No matter HOW busy people are on that end, they still listen and CARE. They KNOW we help them earn a living. They RESPECT us taggers and in turn, we love and respect YOU!

• Customers are not treated as though we are just another dollar donator, we are appreciated!

• No server outages, cart issues, store being down, etc. Everything runs SMOOTHLY!

• An email does NOT need to be sent to Customer Service when retrieving earned bonuses or free tubes. They are automatically placed in your downloads area.

• No Promo Codes when dealing with a buy one get one deal. As soon as the appropriate amount is purchased, the free image is available or the customer can just go choose their tube and download it!

• Stability. I believe this store is going to be around for many years to come and I for one will CONTINUE to be a customer.

The store is pretty perfect the way it is...but if I actually had to choose something...these are the things I would like to see happen in the store:

• More tube sales.

• In addition to "Add to Cart", add the option of "Add to Wishlist" for each tube.

• When giving towards prepaids, allow for only a dollar to be placed in our online "wallets" instead of the required $10.

• Maybe make the sales more prominent. Maybe an email to let people know what sales are available. Maybe make that an opt-in or opt-out option in settings for each individual in case people do not like all the emails. Me? I'm always looking for a deal. hahahahaha

• A way to search our downloads for a particular tube.

• An option to download ALL tubes in the download section instead of just clicking "download" for each one.

Overall, this is the best store to purchase from. I haven't found one like it! I appreciate and love you guys!!! I believe I have spent a ton of money at PFD and there is definitely more to come. hahahahaha

Thank you so much everyone at PFD and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Congratulations on 3 fabulous

Submitted by disneyfriend on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:01.

Congratulations on 3 fabulous years!!! This is one of my favorite stores. Everyone is so nice and the customer service is the best. The artist are also great! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

A huge happy birthday to PFD,

Submitted by lisa on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 22:55.

A huge happy birthday to PFD, i thought you'd been around longer than 3 years, you are an amazing store, have affordable tubes and the prepaids are a fantastic idea, the artists bring out more and more gorgeous tubes, they are also very friendly, comment on all the things that are made with their tubes which is a fantasic thing to see aswell, thank you so much for the gift and heres to more n more years!

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