We are THREE!!!

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Congratulations for the 3

Submitted by ninhabh on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:33.

Congratulations for the 3 years.
Best Regards.


Submitted by Graciela on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:33.


Happy 3rd birthday, doesn't

Submitted by joy200 on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:32.

Happy 3rd birthday, doesn't time fly by so quickly, PFD has grown so much in those 3 years a big thank you to all....x

woohoo congrats!! I always

Submitted by purplechick on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:27.

woohoo congrats!! I always browse through all your lovely work from different artists. I really love the prepaid projects you have, the gifts and all the extra's for the costumers!!
thank you very much and I hope there will be many birthdays to come
Huggers Paola

Congratulations for these 3

Submitted by Brigitte on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:20.

Congratulations for these 3 years! Big thanks to all ♥♥

PFD has always been

Submitted by bev on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:18.

PFD has always been dependable and trustworthy and full of amazing artists and designers
Congratulations PFD

PFD becomes big in quantity

Submitted by myrall on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:13.

PFD becomes big in quantity and in quality. Thank you very much for his work. I am charmed with the whole art that here it is possible to admire. I never had any problem. Always the whole Ok!. Congratulations and to continuing growing! Thank you!

congrats with your three

Submitted by moniquepatricia on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:06.

congrats with your three years woohoo great job Julia
and for the always great service a big thank you

Congratulations for these 3

Submitted by Mariposa on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 19:00.

Congratulations for these 3 years!

Congrats on a very awesome 3

Submitted by Devious on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 18:58.

Congrats on a very awesome 3 years! I absolutely love PFD, the artists and scrap designers are amazing!! Thank you!!! ♥

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