Current Prepaid Projects

Hey there! Today we want to show you our currently active Prepaid Projects

It's a great way to purchase unique psp tubes for less. How it works in a nutshell: you see a sketch you like, invest $1 and get a copy of the finished work. If you invest more, you get copies for your friends to give as gifts. If a project gets cancelled, you immediately get all your money back to your account. The Prepaid Projects are also done by our most popular artists: LadyMishka, Misticheskaya, Alehandra_Vanhek, Katharine and so on. 

Misticheskaya is raising funds for her artwork "Josie and cinema".

Ellie_Milk is working on her tube "Fairy Princess".

Katharine is drawing a pic "Penelope".

And SwanScraps is currently drawing a psp tube "Rainbow Mermaid".

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Absolutely. I grew up

Submitted by Noah2892 on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 19:51.

Absolutely. I grew up surrounded by art. My parents were both artists, so creativity was a big part of my life from an early age. I was always drawing, painting, or making something. My inspiration comes from a mix of nature, emotions, and the human experience. I wanted to create pieces that connect with people on a deeper level.

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