Hy i am trying to send my friend a gift of the cost of two tubes.But when i type in $3.70 it says i have to pay £10 My licence no is Chris4519
My friends lic is PFD_ROO .
Submitted by avasmommee007 on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 17:09.
I am sure this has been posted and I am just missing it--can I just buy a regular gift certificate for a specified amount, or I am required to pick out images to gift? The lady I am trying to purchase the GC for does not know at this time which images she wants? Thank you for your help! Shelly Woodburn
Is it possible to offer an
Is it possible to offer an exclusive tube to a friend ?
If yes, how do I proceed ?
Thank you for your answer
Can I send a cash gift to a
Can I send a cash gift to a friend?
Is there a way to go back and
Is there a way to go back and see who, what, when gifts were given?
Bonsoir Je pense que je suis
Je pense que je suis chez vous, c'est magnifique
j'aimerai savoir comment vous payer les superbes images
Merci à vous
I would like to know how to
I would like to know how to see a friend's WISH LIST so I can choose what to send her that she DOES NOT already have....how is this done, please?
Hy i am trying to send my
Hy i am trying to send my friend a gift of the cost of two tubes.But when i type in $3.70 it says i have to pay £10 My licence no is Chris4519
My friends lic is PFD_ROO .
where do I find the Promo
where do I find the Promo Code?
I am sure this has been
I am sure this has been posted and I am just missing it--can I just buy a regular gift certificate for a specified amount, or I am required to pick out images to gift? The lady I am trying to purchase the GC for does not know at this time which images she wants? Thank you for your help! Shelly Woodburn
Hi! If I buy 2 tubes or kits
Hi! If I buy 2 tubes or kits do I have to gift it right away? Or can I gift it at a future time?
Okay I got a question about
Okay I got a question about Gifting, If I buy it and give it to a friend do I get it as well?
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