Featured Artist: Veleri


Today’s featured artist is Veleri
Birthday: 27th of August
Country: Kazakhstan
Style: sweet, naïve and cartoonish  

5 random facts:
1. Veleri loves chocolate and nuts
2. She is currently learning to play the ukulele and sing. She confessed always dreaming about it, but not having enough bravery. Now she’s getting out of her comfort zone.
3. Veleri is arranging her own small home library. She collects only the books she loves – no boring classics, no dinosaurs from school curriculum, only the favorites she reread several times.
4. A couple years ago she published her own book. She has a talent for writing, but chose drawing as her profession.
5. She loves nature in its every aspect – from hot deserts to frozen grounds.

Veleri was born and raised in far country of Kazakhstan. She continues to live here in Karaganda.
She has been learning to draw all her life. She got a passion for it since childhood, so she attended an art school. Then she went to university and graduated as an architecture designer. Soon she found out that designing buildings was not as fun as drawing cute animals and dolls, so she chose to become an artist.

Veleri enjoys drawing baby animals in a cartoonish style. She likes to amplify their cuteness by adding details you cannot find in nature. Smart baby bear in jacket and glasses, calf in sweater with a cup of cacao, giraffe with a scarf are really sweet and funny. She says there’s nothing she particularly doesn’t like to draw, only things she is not interested in drawing.
She gets inspiration from nature, music and her cat. She lights up a scented candle, puts on her favorite music – and this is when the magic happens.

Veleri to our readers: “I wish you to never lose yourself – your style, your identity. To not chase something or someone, but to live in the moment. Don’t be afraid to be you! You’re wonderful! Each of us is unique and inimitable. The most important is to be in harmony with yourself, then whole world will be in harmony with you”.

Veleri's artwork can be found here

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Identify your weak areas

Submitted by Noah2892 on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 18:36.

Identify your weak areas based on practice exams, sample questions, and self-assessment. Allocate more time to study and practice those topics until you feel confident in your https://inclave-casino.com/ understanding.

Thank you very much for your

Submitted by Veleri on Wed, 01/13/2021 - 10:37.

Thank you very much for your kind words! And Happy Holidays!

I enjoyed reading about you.

Submitted by Paulamtl on Wed, 01/13/2021 - 05:58.

I enjoyed reading about you. I enjoy tagging your art - it is fun. Don't ever stop following your dreams... look where it has gotten you so far. Happy New Year 2021 Veleri!

I really enjoyed learning

Submitted by moochieg on Tue, 01/12/2021 - 22:26.

I really enjoyed learning these things about you, Veleri. And I would love to hear more about your book. I absolutely love, love, love your art.

I really enjoyed reading this

Submitted by Huronna on Tue, 01/12/2021 - 18:02.

I really enjoyed reading this and learning more about this artist.
I have purchased a few of her cuties and now I think I will go back and look at the rest of them. I love cutsie things and glad you aren't' an architecture

A very good interview about

Submitted by sinnamonwolf on Tue, 01/12/2021 - 16:44.

A very good interview about an awesome artist. Your art is so cute, sweet and so well done. Happy New Year, Lea

Thank you for such a

Submitted by Veleri on Tue, 01/12/2021 - 07:26.

Thank you for such a wonderful experience! This is my first interview, I was very worried.
Thanks to your site for the opportunity to make my dreams of a perfect job come true)

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