Fresh news & Current updates

Hey there! It's been a long time since we told you about our updates and now we have a lot of them. 
Some of our customers have been asking us a lot to open individual commission from our artists. Now it's possible with, our second project. You can order a custom psp tube there or turn yourself into your favorite character: just send us a high quality profile photo and we'll make a psp tube with it. 
We added the tip tool so now you can thank your favorite artist with a little bit of money. You'll find the tip list in the shopping card. Don't worry, it will not be applied automatically. 
We have also worked on the product page and tried to make it more convenient and comprehensible. If you notice a mistake in the product description or on the page, please, tell us about it by filling the form under the preview. 
And last but not the least, we have the long awaited R4R license coming soon! Follow or blog and subscribe to our newsletter to stay tuned.
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nice. http://www.clash-games.

Submitted by emadahmed1995 on Sat, 05/18/2024 - 09:11.


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